Yeah I suck at updates no surprise there!
Whats new for me at the moment?
I got a new kitten, his name is Rowan, he's one of the reasons I've been radio silent, he's a lot of work at the moment! (worth it)
If following cats is your sort of thing, I made him and my current cat Willow their own Instagram so I don't spam my main account with them, CHECK IT OUT

Participated in a cosplay Modelling show for the British Museum on behalf of Hyper Japan, photos soon I hope!
Attending London Film and Comic Con this month and selling some posters I made, not wearing anything new just comfortable!
Working on some new products for both my Etsy and for Insomnia 65, the first product is a tote bag poking fun at my own hobby.
I have some shirt and sticker designs on the way as well, also some cosplay prints, I've been busy!
I've started vague work on a new cosplay, don't want to share any details to i'm more committed to it tbh
Thats all for now, trying to find the time to get all these projects done!